Friday, April 15, 2011

The Big Brain Story of the Day

Police Interceptor of the Los Angeles Police D...Image via WikipediaFile under Big Brain: Couple Steal Tools, Attempt to Sell them to Owner

Today in Pennsylvania two people are in jail for robbery and receiving stolen property. According to the reports from the police department the pair broke into a home and stole a tool box full of automotive repair tools and various other items.

Wanting to score some quick cash they stopped at a service station after the robbery and asked one of the techs if he would like to buy the tools. As it turns out the tech did want the tools and the box because they belonged to him.

The tech went home, telling the thieves that he would return shortly with the money, to find that he had been robbed. He called police who arrested the pair at the service station and returned the property to the man.

Obviously these two have never heard of the internet. Some people are just too stupid to live.
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