Friday, April 15, 2011

Greed - Its a Jackson Thing

LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 25:  Katherine Jacks...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeMichael Jackson is dead. There is no doubt about that. But he is getting more press now than when he was still alive. Of course this all boils down to the fact that everyone wants a piece of the famed pop star, mostly from a financial point of view. So now we will jump into the continuing saga of the Michael Jackson estate and his mother, Katherine Jackson, who now is asking for a bigger piece of the pie.

A little back story.....

When Michael Jackson died, how we don't know for sure, his will clearly stated that he wanted his mother, Katherine Jackson, to live in his house and take care of his three children. Nothing wrong with that. Most feel it is best to have a family member take care of children when there is a death in the family.

But the one concern that Katherine had when she took over was how she was going to pay for everything. Afterall, the kids were used to a certain standard of living with their famous pops and Katherine was not rich.

Well despite all of the money problems that Jackson had while he was alive he is much better off in that department now that he is gone. According to recent reports the estate has netted hundreds of millions of dollars since the demise of Michael and the estate is flush with all creditors. They were even able to pay off the many mortgages that were in place for his various homes and pieces of property.

Since that time Mama Jackson has been at odds with the estate over cash. It was agreed on early in the negotiations that the estate would pay her a sum of $26,000 a month, provide her with a new car every so often and also finance most of the things that she wanted, including several lavish vacations.

But now she wants more, stating that the sum that she is being paid on a monthly basis is not enough to cover her expenses. To ensure that she is successful she has fired her old attorney and hired a new one and his first order of business is to secure more cash for his client.

The estate is playing it close to the chest. They have already paid off just about every possible debt that Michael could have had and now they want to make sure that there is plenty of money for those things that tend to pop up.

But Katherine is wanting to make sure that she is getting her fair share. She has refused to comment on how much she wants and she also claims that the money will be used to better care for her grandchildren who are suffering without the necessary financial support.
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