Sunday, April 17, 2011

Michael Lohan: Crazy Town D-bag of the Month

Michael Lohan attending the Wrap Party for the...Image via Wikipedia
For April 2011 Crazy Town has decided to select Michael Lohan as the D-bag of the month.

As we all know, Michael believes himself to be the father of the year when it comes to Lindsay and her siblings. But it is fairly clear that Michael needs some serious help in the "I am an asshole" department.

Besides being the way he is in public, he has made a spectacle of himself through a variety of different situations.

Lets make sure that he knows who he is by sending as many messages as we can.
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Friday, April 15, 2011

The Big Brain Story of the Day

Police Interceptor of the Los Angeles Police D...Image via WikipediaFile under Big Brain: Couple Steal Tools, Attempt to Sell them to Owner

Today in Pennsylvania two people are in jail for robbery and receiving stolen property. According to the reports from the police department the pair broke into a home and stole a tool box full of automotive repair tools and various other items.

Wanting to score some quick cash they stopped at a service station after the robbery and asked one of the techs if he would like to buy the tools. As it turns out the tech did want the tools and the box because they belonged to him.

The tech went home, telling the thieves that he would return shortly with the money, to find that he had been robbed. He called police who arrested the pair at the service station and returned the property to the man.

Obviously these two have never heard of the internet. Some people are just too stupid to live.
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Poker Site Owners Arrested and Charged with Crimes

jokeripokeriImage via WikipediaNot long ago the US government attempted to ban the highly lucrative business of internet gambling. While they were unsuccessful in actually enacting the ban, they were able to ban the processing of payments for the sites, virtually crippling their income source.

However, many sites, most of which are hosted overseas, managed to find sneaky ways to process payments and winnings for US based players. That was until today.

A federal prosecutor unsealed an indictment today that charged three poker sites and a wide variety of banks in the US with violating the gambling laws.

Of course this comes just as several lawmakers are attempting to pass a new bill that will legalize the internet gambling industry. They are hoping that they will be able to tap into the business and start taxing the industry, opening up billions in new funds in new taxes.

The taxes are the exact reason why the internet gambling bill was put up in the first place. The government had not found a way that they could tax the sites without getting into a lot of difficult situations because online companies are not actually considered to reside within the US and therefore they are not subject to taxes.

This is sure to be one hell of a showdown in the courts as the owners of the poker sites are going to have their lawyers warmed up and ready for the fight.
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Greed - Its a Jackson Thing

LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 25:  Katherine Jacks...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeMichael Jackson is dead. There is no doubt about that. But he is getting more press now than when he was still alive. Of course this all boils down to the fact that everyone wants a piece of the famed pop star, mostly from a financial point of view. So now we will jump into the continuing saga of the Michael Jackson estate and his mother, Katherine Jackson, who now is asking for a bigger piece of the pie.

A little back story.....

When Michael Jackson died, how we don't know for sure, his will clearly stated that he wanted his mother, Katherine Jackson, to live in his house and take care of his three children. Nothing wrong with that. Most feel it is best to have a family member take care of children when there is a death in the family.

But the one concern that Katherine had when she took over was how she was going to pay for everything. Afterall, the kids were used to a certain standard of living with their famous pops and Katherine was not rich.

Well despite all of the money problems that Jackson had while he was alive he is much better off in that department now that he is gone. According to recent reports the estate has netted hundreds of millions of dollars since the demise of Michael and the estate is flush with all creditors. They were even able to pay off the many mortgages that were in place for his various homes and pieces of property.

Since that time Mama Jackson has been at odds with the estate over cash. It was agreed on early in the negotiations that the estate would pay her a sum of $26,000 a month, provide her with a new car every so often and also finance most of the things that she wanted, including several lavish vacations.

But now she wants more, stating that the sum that she is being paid on a monthly basis is not enough to cover her expenses. To ensure that she is successful she has fired her old attorney and hired a new one and his first order of business is to secure more cash for his client.

The estate is playing it close to the chest. They have already paid off just about every possible debt that Michael could have had and now they want to make sure that there is plenty of money for those things that tend to pop up.

But Katherine is wanting to make sure that she is getting her fair share. She has refused to comment on how much she wants and she also claims that the money will be used to better care for her grandchildren who are suffering without the necessary financial support.
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Soap Opera Deaths - Drama unfolding

The Satin Slayer storyline on the cover of Soa...Image via WikipediaAnyone who has spent any amount of time watching daytime television knows that when you die on a soap opera it is not guaranteed that you will stay that way. Time and time again people have met their demise only to be brought back with some kind of out of this world explaination.

However, it appears this time that things may stick once and for all with the popular programs. ABC announced yesterday that they have cancelled One Life to Live and All My Children, two of the longest running shows on daytime.

This is just the next level of the grave that has been dug for the programs that have been losing viewers for the past 10 years. While soaps were once a staple every network lineup, they have lost their allure recently as reality television and talk shows have become par for the course.

According to industry statements, the shows are incredibly expensive to produce, especially when you take into consideration the fact that each of them has four times the amount of actors and actresses of a normal prime time program. Many networks have decided that the smaller productions, such as talk shows and cooking programs, are the way to go and ABC has already announced a lineup of new programs that will replace the two cancelled dramas.

The last remaining soap that will appear on ABC will be General Hospital but insiders have said that its days are numbered as well. With the ratings in the toilet General Hosptial will likely only enjoy one more season before it too is replaced by another cheaper to produce program.

So it looks like Susan Lucci will only receive that one daytime emmy that took her so long to pickup.

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Craigslist: A Serial Killer Incubator

Image representing Craigslist as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBaseYou have to wonder if the guys that started Craigslist are starting to rethink the whole site. Let's face facts, it is not all that great to begin with. Sure, it is a place to buy and sell crap without having to pay but the chances of actually selling something are minimal at best.

What you will most likely get is some Nigerian sitting in front of an outdated computer trying to convince you that he wants to buy your broken lawn chair for $10,000 if you will accept a cashiers check for $300,000 and send the rest of the money to his shipping company in Europe via Western Union. Sounds completely plausible doesn't it? After all, Nigeria is a third world country and they probably have a really hard time getting their hands on broken lawn chairs.

Anyway, Craigslist has been dealing with bigger problems. First came the realization that sex slaves, some as young as 10, were being bought and sold through the site. After fighting the good fight for about a week the site agreed to take down their Adult Services sections throughout the site. However, this did little to stop the slave trade as they have simply moved to the dating sections of the site.

Then came the Craigslist Killer. This guy just had a serious problem. One the day he is supposed to be married to his presumed high school sweetheart he decides to get himself a little on the side action from a massage therapist on Craigslist. Well evidently things did not turn out the way that he had hoped and he ended up killing the girl. He had just one victim and ended up killing himself in jail before he went to trial. Of course such a crime sparked 2 Lifetime channel movies.

Now there is the Craigslist Ripper, a serial killer that is using the site to target hookers that advertise through the website and then killing them. He has been dumping their bodies on the beach  around New York and it seems that every day there are more remains found. The police are baffled to say the least but they have said that they believe that the ripper may have been a police officer or could be a current police officer considering the fact that he knows so much about police procedures.

So one has to question the idea of why Craigslist is still in operation. Maybe its time that the site was taken down because let's face facts, this will not end and when one killer is caught there is likely going to be another waiting in the wings.

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Zsa Zsa Gabor and Hubby want a new baby

Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, circa 1954, this is a c...Image via WikipediaFile under the bad idea department: Zsa Zsa Gabor, the actress and socialite that recently turned 95 are planning to have a baby via a surrogate. Let's see, Gabor has been in and out of the hospital for the past couple of years with several life threatening conditions and recently had to have her leg removed after an infection went wild. Now her husband, Prince Von Aholt, known to as Prince Von Ahole, says that they have met with some fertility specialists and plan to conceive with a surrogate mother.

Aholt said that it was always Gabor's wish to have a baby boy. Currently Gabor has just one child, a daughter that absolutely hates Aholt and is suing the man because he wants to sell the mansion that Gabor and Aholt live in and downsize to something more affordable.

According to the newest reports, Aholt is planning to drop somewhere in the area of $100,000 for the planned parenthood and he hopes that Zsa Zsa can hold on long enough to see the child born.

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